Monday, March 9, 2009

SUTC details

Hey guys, SUTC is coming soon, so here are the details taken from Wen Hao's email, in case you didn't get it or something. It is just one day after job week, so try to pack to bag and get all the stuff you need beforehand. Also, learn the scout hymn because it might come in useful during the camp.

Scout Unit Training Camp

l         16th to 18th March 2009

l         Monday to Wednesday

l         Reporting time: Service Scout (Sec 3): 7 a.m.

                                      Trainees (Sec 1 and 2): 8 a.m.

l         Dismissal Time: 12 p.m.

l         Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium (tentative)

l         Reporting Attire: Full Scout Uniform (Sec 1 and 2)

                                        PE Attire (Sec 3)


Personal pack list


1.         4 sets of PE attire (recommended number)

2.         Sufficient underwear

3.         Socks (3 socks + 1 scout sock)

4.         Track Shoes

5.         Full Scout Uniform

6.         Sandals / Slippers


Optional Items

 1.         Extra set of Scout uniform

2.         Warm clothing



 1.         Toothbrush

2.         Toothpaste

3.         Shampoo

4.         Soap

5.         Towel


Optional Items


1.         Conditioner



 1.         Water bottle ( 1.5 litres)

2.         Poncho

3.         Groundsheet

4.         Mess tin

5.         Scout notes

6.         Writing materials

7.         Torchlight with batteries

8.         Cutlery (fork+ spoon)

9.         Multi-purpose knife

10.     Hanger

11.     Personal Medication

12.     Ziploc / Plastic Bag

13.     Ez-link card with money


Optional Items

 1.         Insect repellent


 Patrol pack list

 1.         Consent forms of all members

2.         Patrol 1st aid kit

3.         Camera


Contraband Items

 1.         Soft drinks & snacks

2.         Electronic devices (e.g. PSP)

3.         Luxury Items (e.g. sleeping bag, pillow and etc)

4.         Anti-social items (e.g. books)

5.         Cell Phones (all phones will be confiscated by the J1s at the start of camp)

6.         Cards (e.g. poker)


All secondary 2s please ensure that the secondary 1s are prepared for the camp. You might consider meeting up some day and revising some skills like pitching tents or etc. Be sure that your secondary 1s have all the equipment in their pack list. If they do not, bring them to the army market and get it as soon as possible. The camp is only next week.


Things to prepare

 1.         Patrol cheer

2.         Patrol 1st aid kit

3.         Envelope containing the patrol name, members names and consent forms

4.         Collect all valuables to be given to the J1s on the 1st day of SUTC before horseshoe

5.         Memorize the Scout hymn (everyone must know!)


 Scout Hymn

 Now as I start upon my chosen way,

In all I do, my thoughts, my work, my play,
Grant as I promise, courage new for me
To be the best, the best that I can be.

Open mine eyes to see things as I should,
That I may do my daily turn of good,
Let me be ready, waiting for each need
To keep me clean in thought and word and deed.

So as I journey on my chosen way,
In all I do, my thoughts, my work, my play,
Grant as I promise, courage new for me,
To be the best, the best that I can be.



An advice from the J1s: Be Prepared! 

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