Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Hi guys,
it appears that some sec ones still do not know the importance of inspection or what inspection is. When I asked someone in eagle, his reply was, "WAD IS THAT???????????????????????????????" So, inspection is something where the J1s want to check your stuff or for you guys to air your clothes. You must align according to the format which all the trainees would follow and thus, achieving a neat and tidy inspection which is standard across patrols and even the whole trainee batch. Failure to lay your stuff out properly or neatly or not standardized will result in the adding of your count.

Thus, it is very important to remember and memorize by heart the format or even try with some of your clothes at home. Also, you are to lay everything on a groundsheet and even the size is to be standardized (you can fold the corners or sth to ensure same size).

For sec ones and twos of eagle, you should have an email by Gabriel which contain the inspection layout (IMPT) and SUTC info which contains the contents of the post that Minglun posted (times to meet etc). Before the camp, you should have already remembered how to do inspection and gotten all your stuff ready. Sec ones, if you are lacking anything, remember to ask your sec twos for the place to buy your stuff or you can ask them about how SUTC is like, etc.

For sec threes, if you don't know inspection by now, please find either Minglun or me. If you are unsure about the layout, I have the file and I will send it to you. Please remember how to do too.