Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Campfire Prep

Hi eagle! Tomorrow there will be 1st campfire prep from 3.30 to 6.30 (probably). And SS get ready to smell the grass again.

If you still don't know, 01 campfire is an annual event for 01 to showcase performances to other scout groups. It is basically a gangshow we put up with various performances, like funk and other gl stuff. It is quite fun, so prepare for it. So come tomorrow!

However, this year, it is gonna be different! It's the 75th anniversary of 01! So, it would be held in Sarimbun and would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. For this kind of damn huge campfire, we of course will need your help, so tmr will be the first campfire prep!

Kai Jun if you are reading this you owe me 10 cents. Rui Liang LAME

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