Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Muster parade 1/4/09
there IS muster parade tomorrow. Bring your full scout uniform including beret. I would be there late, since I have RE. Munglin will take charge and rmb to tell him if you are going late/ sick. Also, the horseshoe standards must be raised/be maintained from the SUTC standard or you will all pump with the PLs and APLs =). So, don't talk and if you see ppl from other patrols or our own patrol talking or fidgeting, please remind them to keep still and not talk. And the j1s have prohibited the usage of phones during act, so be prepared.
(the blogskin may be changed to a paramore skin)
i will not say anything
Monday, March 30, 2009
Blog is dead?
Well, we are being separated into our small committees and there would be less patrol time now. So, instead of making comments like.. This blog is dead... No one comes here anymore... Please update...
Why don't you post? If you have any funny stuff you wanna post, post it!
If you are from eagle and you want to post but you are not a member yet, please tell me =)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Campfire Prep 2
If you didn't read the email yet there is act on monday.
Hi all,Next Monday, 30th March will be activity as usual. Reporting Time: 3.30pmReporting Venue: Gym HallReporting Attire: PE AttirePlease bring along whatever relevant materials that you might need for your preparations. PLs please remind your members.
Sec 3 tests are damn annoying when we keep on failing/nearing to fail. What tests are you screwing up? Great discussion topic.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Campfire Prep...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Campfire Prep
If you still don't know, 01 campfire is an annual event for 01 to showcase performances to other scout groups. It is basically a gangshow we put up with various performances, like funk and other gl stuff. It is quite fun, so prepare for it. So come tomorrow!
However, this year, it is gonna be different! It's the 75th anniversary of 01! So, it would be held in Sarimbun and would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. For this kind of damn huge campfire, we of course will need your help, so tmr will be the first campfire prep!
Kai Jun if you are reading this you owe me 10 cents. Rui Liang LAME
Monday, March 23, 2009
Patrol fun!
How was patrol fun? Was it fun? Did you like the jokes section more or the soccer part? Please give some suggestions! =)
***NO racism is to be tolerated on the BLOG, even in tagboard and the blog itself, or ELSE you could be sued. Thanks =)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Act on Monday!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Jobweek funtimes/Cheeboh jokes!
Yi Ming 01-07........ tennis says:
you missed out nice fun times part
bout indian woman in towel
ruiliang 01-2007 says:
oh really
Yi Ming 01-07........ tennis says:
and me thinking bout ming e also
ruiliang 01-2007 says:
woah you seriously want me to put that?
So... we can conclude that YimingE...
even de hong knows!
munglin 01-2007 says:
hello de hong
munglin 01-2007 says:
yi ming is gay
bye says:
SUTC in my point of view :)
Though Scouts took up 5 DAYS of my hols and thats a lot considering the fact that the hols are only like 9 days long. Well um if anyone doesn't know, we're from 01 scouts. (I read the older posts and none of them actually said that we're 01.............)
This post is a bit random cos' I don't really have anything to say lah since I'm a sec1 who doesn't know what's going on......If anyone here doesn't have camp times with him while reading this blog I feel sad cos' you probably don't know what's going on. (so many people don't know what's going on)
Special thanks to munglin who specifically said good stuff about the sec1s about night orienteering and rl too if he helped. But thanks for making scouts so fun for me:):):)
Friday, March 20, 2009
This is issue 2 of camptimes with all the gossips that you missed out on. If more people want it, maybe your PL and APL will post another part! But right now, the SS are screwed. Looking at my email, yi ming decided to sabotage the SS count. yanwei wanted to pump us 120, but yi ming said 200-60 = 140 SO NOW WE HAVE TO PUMP 20 MORE ON MONDAY!!! Thanks ym!
Hope you guys are resting well. Unlike some other sec 3s, your apl and pl don't need to go for chief commissioner's hike which happens TODAY AND TOMORROW! So we can spend time spamming the blog =)
Here are the gossips.
"Keep the freaking flies off my foaming food." Nay Myo on alliteration
The SS spent 50 minutes building bashars because Raga was possessed by an indian spirit and we were laughing at an SS.
I got pumped 10 by Chuyong because I didn't laugh at his joke.
A certain beachball hunk SS didn't want to clean a dirty pot.
Yenter has more than 50 centerfolds.
The editors pumped 50 because of the use of vulgarities and the word "****".
If you look carefully, "my sister's hot friend" is on the coverpage of camptimes 3. (does this tell you anything about bypassing the school's security? hmm....)
The SS had no dinner on night 1.
I tried to eat around 10 pieces of bread on morning 2. But I couldn't parallel Gabriel's record.
While the trainees were Running for 01, Rui Liang was Drinking for 01.
The J1s sent a fake version of the SUTC proposal to the SS.
Rui Liang was doing sentry and was tired (it was 3 in the morning). So he called Munglin up. Then Munglin sat for a while on the bench. One of the red cross indians was calling for help, and Rui Liang started laughing and woke up. So Munglin and Rui Liang did sentry together. We were talking about how easy red cross night call was and we were laughing our ass off at them.
Less than a minute later, Trachsel, in his scout uniform walked to the campsite with the editors...
After the VOJ debrief, Rui Liang told the trainees, "Now, we'll pass you back to your best friends." Then, the J1s walked to the canteen, all in scout uniform.
Ming E was on msn on day 1. The SS were looking through his contact list, and came across the phrase "lucky i'm in love with my best friend."
Why does YimingE look similar?
On night 2, one bashar contained YimingE and Brandon.
1. Yen Ter
2. Ming E
3. Lionel, a) Advent Children
4. Brandon
5. Ming Lun (colour blindness), Kai Jun (extra chromosome)
6. Sherman and Edmund
7. Higher than the ventures
8. Ming E
9. Yes
10. All of them
11. Jason
12. 2. The cheebohs
^typical SS answer.
Watch out for more eagle extra! Laterzzz.
Ruiliang met the STLsafter playing soccer (so coincidental). Apparently they are always together and they said that he is not performing up to standards. Just note that THEY ARE ALWAYS TOGETHER. Like YimingE
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Before you start, grab a copy (or 3) of your camptimes, or you might as well not read this post. =) Dont tell me you lost it through inspection, or editors will come after you!
Well, for Camptimes 1, there is a section called KNOW-YOUR-SS. Well, of course, we (the SS) all got full marks for this section but since no one did the questions, there were no answers. So, now...
Its time for answers!
1. Yenter - the one with the most girlfriends 2. Edmund! 4. rectangular (that's when you SLIDE it) 6. hurricanes, according to lionel 7. sperman are fats (it is up to your discretion, if you think otherwise or have a more funny answer, post it here!) 8. kalyanasundaram ragavendra 9. Munglin! (cos he likes Rihanna, thus the Mrs Brown!) 10. decode 11. Munglin (Again!) 12. Sherman 13. Edmund! 14. tony 15. Munglin! Ruiliang! Edmund! (Haha, dont ask me why) 16. 41 17. nothing (theres no picture)
If I left them out, its for free response. Now, for the eagle free posting part. Look at the Know your SS part of Camptimes 1 QUESTION 7. Tag your answer. The most gl answer will get a prize!
Now for some eagle GOSSIPS. (BTW Eagle Roles: Rui Liang: VOJ I/C, Ming Lun: Orienteering I/C, Brandon: Cook.)
Camptimes 1
Page 6
The LUMpy Page is a collection of lame jokes and is dedicated to Brandon!
Page 9
Gossip 3: Ming Lun, about the flagstaff: "Hurry up guys, let's erect!"
Gossip 5: TRAINEES ARE TO OBEY ORIENTEERING SS AT ALL TIMES. And munglin happens to be the ic!
Gossip 7: Brandon Lum joke: Nothing to worry about the food lar, we'll have enough to feed the j1s at least!
Page 12
Brandon's Picture! Zzz...
Camptimes 2
Page 6
Lumpy Page again! Extra PICKUP LINES page! We must thank Brandon again!
Page 9
Find one of the eagle SS names...
Page 15
Jobweek top sec 1 earners! Qie Hua's name is there!
Page 16
One of the answers is Ming Lun... one is Brandon.
Camptimes 3
Page 7
Gossips: names revealed.
Ruiliang: "Hi, Qie Hua, What are you doing here?"
Qie Hua: "Oh, I am waiting for the sec 2s to finish pumping."
(Taken before breakfast when the sec 2s were pumping for 40 mins)
Page 16
Munglin wrote the PIC - Programme I/C letter! (without RUILIANG)
Page 17
Munglin acknowledged for all the random gl contributions to edmund on MSN!
Now for the awards of SUTC!
Cute - ICanActuallyFitIntoAPlaygroundSeat LOW QIE HUA!
And the one that wasn't included:
Enthu - MUNGLIN'S IPlotted49CheckpointsForOrienteering
Congratulations to all GL award winners of Eagle, especially Gabriel who got MY award. And as mentioned: He will get bread for all meals for AC (Whoo!)
Know your SS!
Question: The PICs - Programme I/Cs (Ruiliang: VOJ, Munglin: Orienteering, Sherman: Skills Prac) are best friends. Explain why.
It is open to all, ESP. other SS! TAG TAG TAG!
EXTRA: The blog is getting quite popular, with readers extending 6 generations of 01! Also, other patrols also came to read! Check out the "Inspection" Post from archives and you can see that Terence made a comment and Qie Hua answered him. Well, keep up the good job in spamming!
Part 2 coming later.
*This is posted by Munglin and Ruiliang. Dont take them without asking. Also, it's eagle, so hawk wont be able to use without editing anymore (YAY).
**You are damn sad if you read this post without CAMPTIMES. So, go borrow or something or you miss out all the fun.
I hope it has been the same for you guys, especially reciting the scout hymn. I think that was one of the things that really make you a scout. Through all the pumping, I hope that activity really lets you know the meaning of being a scout. Not just know, but understand.
For sec 1s, this has been your first major camp in scouting. I hope that you have learnt a lot and really matured. It isn't the end of your maturity, but just the starting. I hope that after SUTC, you guys will look at scouts, and even life in a different manner. SUTC and the days after that are still very clear in my mind. We did a pushup tunnel with everyone running across the hall, formed different shapes in pushup position, and formed the shape 01. That was probably the most pressing moments of SUTC for me. I hope you had a similar experience. I also a lot of you rising to the wing and helping the people around you. That is quite good. If you were helping the sec 2s, that it would be really commendable. Some of you couldn't endure, but that is normal as sec 1s are not expected to do everything at this point. But don't take it for granted now, as you still have expectations to live up to in the later part of the year. We hope you guys will still be happy in 01, and you have a whole line of imba eagle people behind you who will be there for you if you need help.
So far, I think the eagle sec 1s have done quite well. Qie Hua, you have really stayed positive through the whole camp. Everyone sees you as really cute, and you can use that to your batch. I hope your batch apperciates the positiveness and morale you bring during the camp. I also heard you taking initiative during parts of the camp. Keep up the enthusiasm and morale! The SS also get pretty moralized when we see you.
Jia Le, I think you have potential in you, and you put in a lot of effort in things, which is quite good. I saw you sweating after orienteering, but you were still okay. You are quite shy though, and there are quite a lot of things on your mind that you want to get out. I hope you will speak up more though, and me and Rui Liang observe that you learn really well. You have a lot of potential brimming inside of you.
Nigel, you are a really mature person with a lot of good ideas inside of you. You had seemed to be quiet, but it was the activity in MacRitchie when your potential was actually released. I was really impressed with that and have high hopes for you to lead the batch. But don't just wait until times in need when you start unleashing your potential though. I have high hopes for you, so keep on aiming for the stars and you would really shine.
For sec 2s, you guys really have a lot to work on. It is quite saddening not to see you saying words like foam, as these are 01 terms. And it gives us the impression that you guys are not attached to 01 enough to use these words. Especially not knowing your batch song, which is a common song all of you can sing during PT. For the SS, we sing it all the time. Your batch isn't bonded together, and if you guys talked enough cock, you won't have one missing person and would be moralized by each other despite the difficulty you are in. Eugene, you have a lot of potential, but it isn't shown in the camp. I hope that you would work harder and show more potential. And try not to be too angsty, as it may sometimes affect the others without you knowing.
Gabriel, I am really disappointed in you. Many people have coined you as manly, but you haven't shown much. You could use your manliness to help your batch during PT, for example supporting them or taking their bags. But I hope that you would volunteer to be cheeboh next year, as it is quite fun.
There are other sec 2s that are not eagle who i have seen during the camp. Hai Xiao, your performance on day 2 night was really good in staying at the back and helping the sec 1s. It is really commendable, and hope you become more imba this year and come for more acts. Eashwar, you had led the patrol while being blindfolded, which was also quite good. But i encourage you to have more experiences in leading.
But at the end, all of you shown more urgency and batch spirit. Its okay if you come in failing, the most important thing is whether you improve. And you guys really did. So good job for surviving a tough SUTC.
Lol long serious message.
...or tomorrow. or later if rl and me finish it
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
SUTC reflections
After all the PT, changing parades, etc, maybe you guys should reflect on what went right and what went wrong. Why did you guys hold in push-up position (then to sit-up) at Macritchie? Did you help your friends when they could not take it? Did you ask for help if you needed it? Did you put in your best in whatever you guys did? If you did not put in your best effort, why?
Also, if you didn't go for the camp, please keep up with the standards. For example, the trainees learnt that they should have their sense of urgency whenever the dateline is given. So, if you didn't come for the camp, please raise your own standards.
SO, that being said, SUTC IS OVER =)
Now, flip to your camptimes three, the awards page. Can you see that Gabriel Kok got my award? Haha, actually I don't suan people that much, but oh well. And Gabriel's award is...
Bread for all meals in AC! =)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
SUTC + Jobweek funtimes Part 2
How happy we are now! Ok, so as we get into the mood of SUTC, you may want to see if you have done all these.
- Packed your bags properly
- Know the inspection layout very very well
- Done up your patrol items
- Have all parts of your Scout Uniform (it's not too late to borrow!)
- Printed out your consent form
- Have most of the important stuff for SUTC (like for sec ones, it could be a groundsheet/mess tin)
- Know the Scout Hymn by heart (according to the email wenhao sent)
- Fortunately, if you haven't learnt it yet, its not too late. You can scroll down to see the previous post and have a good look at the Scout Hymn (Hopefully it's not too late)
More tips
- Remember to count how many whistles the J1s blown
- If there are lectures, do not talk unless absolutely necessary
- Remember how to do inspection - FAST
- During an inspection, when they ask you to pack up, pack up fast. Do not put in item by item or else you foam
Ok, for the tips, it's from what I learnt. If you do not want to learn, you can learn it the hard way from SUTC. =)
Now, for the fun part.
Today's interesting stuff (although it was less):
- Be wary when you reject Yiming's offers. When asking you for a job, he is always nice and cheerful. If you reject him, he will call you a :- Old Hag, nerd, faggot, fei diao guy, messed up girl, "Oh, look at me, I talked nicely and you rejected me you *****", dog and many more. So, beware when you meet Yiming.
- We saw two cases of yesterday's briefs cases. In one case, the towel that HE was secured by threatened to drop and we used our will to stop it from dropping. Thank god it didn't.
- We spammed the sweets in order to get sugar rush, but we got barkings from dogs instead.
Now.... For the best point and most important thing I learnt from Jobweek!
!!!Yiming is a paedophile. He hates it when I call him that. However, whenever he sees kids, he would ask them, "Hey, are your parents at home?" with the MJ voice. He seems like he is possessed whenever he says that and the kid would have the "Oh no! It's the paedo!" face. However, they met their saviour- me, who would always be there to stop Yiming.
!!!When Yiming saw some cub scouts at the playground, he stopped to take a "rest". He started singing Hi-5 after I sang Barney with a sarcastic tone, but his Hi-5 theme song was damn MJ. It freaked them out.
!!!He would always blame his paedophiliac actions by pushing the blame to his baby brother. Oh, we believe him. :o
Disclaimer: I risk my life by putting out this portion about Yiming and may be forced to take it down anytime with violence. So, save it in a Microsoft word or something and circulate it! :o
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Jobweek day 1!
how was your job week experience?
Well, now I will share with you my Job Week experience. So, I went with Yiming and it was quite interesting.
First, we found an Indian couple having ___ at the staircase. They stared at us and we ran off. Ten stories down, we found a chinese couple doing the same thing. In both cases, the guy was at least half naked.
Yiming was cleaning a car for 10 dollars and then, I went to the two places next to him and got 10 each. He was like damn sad.
Yiming said he started AS a dog. He started barking after that.
Munglin's voice totally changed when I called him. He was like ... ... ...
We went to a HDB flat where there were spray paints on each level. Like some loanshark place.
We saw one freaking fat dude with only his briefs on. It was covered by his belly although I could see it was white.
*** Yiming doesnt want me to put the statement I want to say, but I can put it if everyone wants to read. (Hint: Its something about him and kids.)
Yiming kept saying that other people couldn't speak english properly, while one auntie commented on his chinese.
I read from VJ to Yiming's sms that he was earning less than a ____ worker.
So, do you have anything to share? Anything interesting? You can post it here to cheer for our patrol mates. =)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Jobweek + Tagboard
Hope you have geared yourself up to get some money for 01 and for eagle!
Please try your best and do not give up. Think of helping eagle when you feel like giving up, if eagle wins you win too! So, plan your route again, think of alternative routes and try your best!
Also, for the tagboard, PLEASE do not use other people's id or impersonate others. It would not benefit either parties and it is not funny. However, you are free to tag on the tagboard as yourself. TRY not to spam but you are allowed to chat or anything here. =)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
it appears that some sec ones still do not know the importance of inspection or what inspection is. When I asked someone in eagle, his reply was, "WAD IS THAT???????????????????????????????" So, inspection is something where the J1s want to check your stuff or for you guys to air your clothes. You must align according to the format which all the trainees would follow and thus, achieving a neat and tidy inspection which is standard across patrols and even the whole trainee batch. Failure to lay your stuff out properly or neatly or not standardized will result in the adding of your count.
Thus, it is very important to remember and memorize by heart the format or even try with some of your clothes at home. Also, you are to lay everything on a groundsheet and even the size is to be standardized (you can fold the corners or sth to ensure same size).
For sec ones and twos of eagle, you should have an email by Gabriel which contain the inspection layout (IMPT) and SUTC info which contains the contents of the post that Minglun posted (times to meet etc). Before the camp, you should have already remembered how to do inspection and gotten all your stuff ready. Sec ones, if you are lacking anything, remember to ask your sec twos for the place to buy your stuff or you can ask them about how SUTC is like, etc.
For sec threes, if you don't know inspection by now, please find either Minglun or me. If you are unsure about the layout, I have the file and I will send it to you. Please remember how to do too.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Some tips for SUTC
Tips for SUTC
For sec twos, I would like you guys to teach the sec ones how to do inspection. You are the trainees and it would be too late to teach them during the camp itself and you all will learn the hard way. Please try your best to bring them down to the army market to get items like mess tin and groundsheet which the sec ones would not have. If you still can remember we immediately added 700 last year for 7 late and 7 no consent form. Inform your SUTC patrol to bring consent form and come early.
For sec ones, listen to your sec twos and work together. If you are feeling damn shag or something during the camp, try to talk to your patrol. Try to tell jokes or chat if you have free time to keep your morale high. If you are in push-up position and you are foaming, ask for help. Also, although you are to listen to your sec twos, you can take on a leadership position. If I am not wrong, you are supposed to change a PL everyday. Do volunteer to be a PL and lead cheers. Do not give up! =)
Do not be scared or anything. Go for the camp and you will feel yourself growing physically and mentally. Good Luck! =)
Monday, March 9, 2009
SUTC details
Scout Unit Training Camp
l 16th to
l Monday to Wednesday
l Reporting time: Service Scout (Sec 3):
Trainees (Sec 1 and 2):
l Dismissal Time:
l Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium (tentative)
l Reporting Attire: Full Scout Uniform (Sec 1 and 2)
PE Attire (Sec 3)
Personal pack list
1. 4 sets of PE attire (recommended number)
2. Sufficient underwear
3. Socks (3 socks + 1 scout sock)
4. Track Shoes
5. Full Scout Uniform
6. Sandals / Slippers
Optional Items
2. Warm clothing
2. Toothpaste
3. Shampoo
4. Soap
5. Towel
Optional Items
1. Conditioner
2. Poncho
3. Groundsheet
4. Mess tin
5. Scout notes
6. Writing materials
7. Torchlight with batteries
8. Cutlery (fork+ spoon)
9. Multi-purpose knife
10. Hanger
11. Personal Medication
12. Ziploc / Plastic Bag
13. Ez-link card with money
Optional Items
2. Patrol 1st aid kit
3. Camera
Contraband Items
2. Electronic devices (e.g. PSP)
3. Luxury Items (e.g. sleeping bag, pillow and etc)
4. Anti-social items (e.g. books)
5. Cell Phones (all phones will be confiscated by the J1s at the start of camp)
6. Cards (e.g. poker)
All secondary 2s please ensure that the secondary 1s are prepared for the camp. You might consider meeting up some day and revising some skills like pitching tents or etc. Be sure that your secondary 1s have all the equipment in their pack list. If they do not, bring them to the army market and get it as soon as possible. The camp is only next week.
Things to prepare
2. Patrol 1st aid kit
3. Envelope containing the patrol name, members names and consent forms
4. Collect all valuables to be given to the J1s on the 1st day of SUTC before horseshoe
5. Memorize the Scout hymn (everyone must know!)
In all I do, my thoughts, my work, my play,
Grant as I promise, courage new for me
To be the best, the best that I can be.
Open mine eyes to see things as I should,
That I may do my daily turn of good,
Let me be ready, waiting for each need
To keep me clean in thought and word and deed.
So as I journey on my chosen way,
In all I do, my thoughts, my work, my play,
Grant as I promise, courage new for me,
To be the best, the best that I can be.
An advice from the J1s: Be Prepared!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
SUTC Prep 1
Scout Unit Training Camp Prep/Briefing 1
Date: Monday, 9th March 2009
Time: 3.30pm to 6.30pm
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Things to bring: SUTC notes(sec twos), writing materials, PE kit
Prepare to be mentally/physically exhausted, and be on your best behaviour. Sec 1s and sec 2s, please make sure you know what the count is.
There will probably be act on Wednesday, at the same time.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Job week
On 14th and 15th March, we would have:
$$$$ JOB WEEK $$$$
Now, just in case you were not listening to Jeremy, Job week is an annual fund-raising project by the Singapore Scout Association to raise funds for both the SSA and your Scout Troop. During Job week, you would go around the island looking for jobs to do in return for a monetary reward. This cash would fund the HQ operation and 01 (yay!) =)
The objectives of Job week are actually to gain experience and life skills (for example, getting rejected by people, working hard, courtesy, etc). This life skills can last you for a life time =)
For this activity,
Attendance is compulsory! If you cannot attend, you should have spoken to Jeremy already, but an MC is needed if you are sick (works like an EOY, haha). On the 14th and 15th, report in full scout uniform excluding beret at 8am in the morning. You MUST report in school at 8 for attendance taking. Reporting back time would be 7pm, and if you are late please call the hotline (would be told at a later date) and inform the J1s. Dinner will be provided (Hell yeah!)
Please prepare yourselves and ask your seniors (sec 2s and 3s) and eat and rest well. You can try to climb stairs etc to build up your strength and energy that is needed for this big activity.
Things to bring for Job Week:
-Jobweek stickers and Job week cards(DO NOT EVER EVER LOSE THEM or SUTC would be fun)
-Poncho/ Umbrella in case of rain
-Street directory (don't get lost)
-Bus Guide
-Mobile phone with full battery (IMPT.)
-EZ-link card
-WATER BOTTLE (drink!)
Good jobweek locations would include:
HDB flats, Landed Property, offices, shophouses, Industrial Estate
-When approaching the public, BE CONFIDENT!
-Be courteous and polite
-Be prepared and professional
-Request (NOT DEMAND) for a job
-Suggest jobs you can do
-Always ask yourself a few questions :
-Who are you?
-Why are you here?
-What do they want?
-What can you do?
Building on this, make a script for yourself. This script should be memorized and practised.
- Contact hotline if you are demoralized
- Contact hotline if you are unsure of where to go
- Contact hotline if you are out of cards, robbed or other emergencies
- Prepare a script (Introduction, explaining fund raising project, ask for job, reiterate aims of JW)
- Drink Plenty of water
- Sec ones should go in pairs
- Amount must be equal to/ more than the amount written on your card
- Ensure that the person signs next to the card
- Remember step 3.5!
- Lose JW card!!!
- Go into dark and shady alleys and shortcuts
- Accept change and request for money
- Accept food
- Accept drinks
- Count your money in the public
More tips:
Be on your best behaviour
Smile and be polite
Keep your job week earning and target confidential!
Now, for batch targets!
Sec 1: X
Sec 2: X
Sec 3: X
Sec 4: X
Did I say batch targets were confidential?
Now, Eagle patrol members must send me their Job week routes by Friday. Sec ones to plan day 2 route only (I will teach sec ones during the meeting on Friday) . Friday: MEET AT THE DEN AFTER SCHOOL for patrol meeting (Attendance should be compulsory, unless you have valid reasons)
Now for the part about job week route which is in the email.
1) Job Week routes
Have you done them? If you haven't, you are left with 3 days. Even if you have, do not just stop at the route that you planned. Think about how your route can be improved by asking yourself a few questions:
Are you spending too much time on the public/private transport? Is there any way to cut short on traveling time (combing a wider area / finding areas with more HDB flats)?
Have you taken the most efficient mode of transport? Did you check if the bus might be faster than the train, or vice versa?
What are the chances that your spots may have been taken? (This applies to spots that you might be going in the late afternoon, evening of day 1, as well as the whole of day 2)
What is your forte? Are you better at HDB flats or landed property or industrial estates? Have you ensured you chose a spot that have places that you are good at doing Job Week in?
Have you consulted your seniors in deciding where you should go? Seniors normally know where the good spots are, and I'm sure they are more than willing to share them with you.
Remember, planning routes is very important because it gives you direction and motivation to finish what you planned to do as well. Use your planned route to spur you on and keep you going for the rest of the day.
*Disclaimer: This post belongs to Ruiliang and Eagle patrol's blog ONLY. You must ask me before you use. Thanks.
Continuation of Minglun's post
Ok, from start of the year till now, the discipline has been slack. As Secondary Threes, we would only assist you guys during SUTC and we will be your SS (Service Scouts). Although Eagle has been quite good from start of the year till now, SUTC is not only patrol-based. It is based on your batch, your patrol and 01. So, for eagle, Munglin and I would like you guys to stay back tomorrow.
Now for sec twos, I would like you guys to show more initiative and keep the discipline up. For example, talking during horseshoe is something not to be tolerated. If someone talks to you, dao them, it works. Also, please interact more with the sec ones and help them along. Monday is SUTC prep one and I would like you guys to prepare yourselves and the sec ones for it. For tomorrow, Gabriel would be the I/C, he would tell you what to prepare. Also, remember to brush up and your skills like first aid and Orienteering.
For the secondary ones, please do not talk during horseshoe. I apologize if I did not tell Qie Hua to bring his Scout uniform that day because I called the other sec ones and forgot about him. However, i would like you guys to check your emails regularly or this blog. That is because Munglin and I would always be posting here, even if it is something stupid like putting the emails here (I found the significance of this after QieHua told me he was not in the yahoo-group). Also, please listen to instructions. You all have been doing well and you should keep this up. During horseshoe, always keep quiet at all times. It is very hard to do this, but if you see others talking, tell them politely to keep quiet. For SUTC, please treat the sec two PLs with as much respect as you have towards teachers, your GC, your PL(me) and APL(Minglun). You have seen the standards for SUTC and you must understand the rationale behind this. Do not worry about what lies ahead because it is a road you all must take. Do not worry about doing push-ups because the sec threes were once like you guys and I can proudly say I have survived every camp in 01.
For all Eagle patrol members, please meet at the den after school tomorrow. I have something to tell you guys. Munglin will be contacting the secondary threes, Gabriel for Sec twos and I will be contacting the sec ones. If Ben Chew if reading this, please come. I need to speak to you about something. Also, send your Job Week routes to me and your contact details to Munglin.
For sec ones, please plan your day 2 only. For sec ones, please plan your day 2 only. For sec ones, please plan your day 2 only. For sec ones, please plan your day 2 only. For sec ones, please plan your day 2 only.I will teach you guys how to plan your route tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Jobweek + SUTC
Sec 1s, as you should know, SUTC and Jobweek are coming up. These are very important events in the scouting calendar. Please make sure you are mentally prepared. There would be many unknown (for now) challenges that you would face, but trust me when I say that these two events would be very memorable for you. Be prepared, and you would come out a stronger person.
Sec 2s, you know what is going to happen. The power/responsibility of leadership now slowly shifts from sec 3s to you. You have to take charge on your own now. Me and Rui Liang would like to see more effort from some of you.
Sec 3s, or SS (Service Scouts), foaming already. And SS isn't a slack job. The 3 orienteering people have to plan 48 checkpoints, so please cooperate with our plans.
I'm sorry if we have to sound a bit more harsh, but this is the time to get serious. Sec 2s count yourself lucky as you didn't just come back from 5day MM.
And there would possibly be a patrol meeting on Friday. Everyone should come, as we need to talk to you guys.
Reminder, send me the group update form, and send Rui Liang the jobweek routes.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
St. Margaret's (28th March)
Crescent Girls (3rd April)
St. Andrews (4th April)
Maris Stella (4th April)
Ok, for sec twos i let you all decide which one you want to go yourselves. However, this is a suggestion from me, since sec ones would be quite shy when going to campfires, I SUGGEST:
-Strongly encouraged to go, but not compulsory
-Cresent GIRLS campfire
-PL and APL will definitely be going
Ok, more details will be given when we are reaching the date. I seriously hope the sec ones and twos will go for the campfire since we are going as a patrol =)
Muster parade + Job Week + Overnight thing
Ok, tomorrow there will be muster parade. Sec 2s and 3s you know what to bring so bring it. FOR THE SECONDARY ONES, you have to wear the SCOUT UNIFORM too. Yeah, sad news, but you have to wear it no matter what.
Second thing, for the contact details thing, please send it to Minglun ASAP. Anyway, Wayne just sent out an email about the amendment to the form you are supposed to fill in. So, download the latest thing, adhere to the dateline. I would like it to be handed in to Minglun one day earlier.
****Qie Hua, have you handed it in to Wayne? If you have not please bring tmr.
Third, secondary two and threes, please do up your job week routes and send it to me. Latest by 7th March 2009 6pm. Again, send to me by 6th March.
Lastly, I would like to commend everyone for the good work during Overnight. Sec ones, I hope you had fun and learnt skills like pitching tents, etc. For the sec twos, I think the camp was more or less like a revision for you guys. I hope you guys will take charge when Minglun and I are not around cos SUTC is coming and you will be leading your patrol. For the sec threes, I think although we foamed at the cooking race, our overall standard was there and was not like some foam. However, I hope someone would turn up next time so our patrol would have full strength. =)
Now, start planning for your Job week routes and help Eagle earn some points and help the group earn some money! Thanks everyone =)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Group Update Form
Sunday, March 1, 2009
next act
Here is Jeremy Tan's email.
Hey all! Hope you guys are resting well after Overnight!
The next activity will be JOB WEEK briefing!
The details are as follows:
Date: Wednesday, 4th March 2009
Time: 3.30pm to 6.30pm
Reporting Venue: Raffles Square in full scout uniform (for Muster Parade)
Things to bring: Writing materials, PE kit
Job Week will be coming soon on 14th March and 15th March, so do prepare yourselves well for this event!
Seeing that there's just so much to do to prepare yourselves, you should start preparing now!
The first of the many preparations would be:
Plan your Job Week routes!
I would like to see a detailed plan of your Job Week routes, which should include the following:
1) The areas which you want to do for Job Week
2) How you would want to go there
3) What exactly do you want to do
4) Contingency plans
In case you don't quite understand how it works, here's an example:
Day 1
1) From Raffles Institution to Ang Mo Kio Ave 99
Take bus 000, alight at bus-stop in front of block 888
Comb blk 777 to blk 666
if blocks are taken, take bus 111 to Ang Mo Kio Ave 555
Comb blk 444, 424, 404, 383, 363, 343, 323
2) From Ang Mo Kio Ave 99 to Toa Payoh St 44
(and it continues)
When planning your Job Week routes, do be realistic with what you can do. Set yourself high, yet reachable targets.
I would like the PLs to collate his patrol's responses (Venture Chairman to collate Venture responses as well) and send them to me by 7th March 2009 6pm.
For secondary 1s, you need not hand in your Job Week routes yet. However, do think hard about roughly where you would want to go. You will be given more advice on Wednesday.
Everyone, do look out for more Job Week emails to come!
Thank you.
Jeremy Tan