Friday, June 12, 2009


Hi eagle. It's been one week since AC. Hope those sunburns are coming off now =)

But now, we have to do patrol logs. For the sec 1s who don't know (and for GABRIEL KOK who conveniently didn't submit his plogs last year), patrol logs are log that are used to record activities that happened in the scouting year. You may have seen the whole volumes of patrol logs in the den before the renovation, and that is supposed to be the outcome of a compilation of all these small logs. So to create these logs, everyone has to write a bit for the patrol.

Ok i'll start off the list with something for everyone to do.

Rui Liang- AC Day 3, 3/6 (1500 words), SUTC Prep, (1500 words)
Ming Lun- SUTC (SS), 16-18/3 (3500 words)
Brandon- QM Session, 28/1 (750 words), Job Week, 14-15/3 (1500 words)
Jin Kiat- Batch Project Planning, 12/1 (1000 words), World Scout Badge Teaching (500 words)
Eugene- SUTC (Trainees), 16-18/3 (2000 words)
Gabriel- AC Day 1, 1/6 (1500 words)
Nigel- Mini-olympics, 16/5 (1000 words)
Jiale- AC Day 2, 2/6 (1000 words)
Qiehua- Jobweek, 14-15/3 (1000 words)

If you find that the word count is not enough, start writing cock stuff. Look at how much sec 3s are writing and spamming o.O

I'll try to assign the next round of plogs asap so you can start working, and the articles won't have so many words.

Please try to finish them by 15/6 and send them to my email. If you forgot stuff, ask around. And don't post the logs on the blog for other patrols ahemKESTRELHAWKahem to kope.

If you don't know what should be written in a plog, i'll post an article (IN DRAFT) to show you how plogs are like.

Thanks eagle!

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