Saturday, May 9, 2009

13/5 act!

Hi eagle. Just in case you didn't know, there is no act on Monday but act on Wednesday.

So act on Wednesday should be from 3:30 to 6:30 or a bit later. It would be AC prep again.

EDIT: Act is Neighbourhood Run. Although i'm not sure what it is... but it should be fun.
(Hmm what does "fun" mean?)

And if you want to buy the group shirt bring $8 after act. It's up to you if you want to buy it, but it's encouraged.

And Rui Liang has RLP (group 1) briefing so he would probably be late. So tell just tell me if you're late or something.

Gabriel for the table can you make it such that all sides have a seat? Then one side can be joined to the cooking thing or something. I dunno if it works but it seems okay.

And AC has been moved to school "because of swine flu". Trust me its a much better place. It happened in 2007 also, which was much more fun that last year's.

And btw tuesday's assembly is house meeting. I saw the schedule.

Now sec 3 life has a LOT of work. Be thankful that you're still sec 1/2 and enjoy your lives. Because its much more fun. Trust me.

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