Wednesday, February 11, 2009



Today was the first act with the new sec 1s in the patrol! Good job sec 1s for making it through the first act of the year. Don't worry, it may seem difficult, but it would get better in time.

2 years ago, all the sec 3s were also like you guys, and I can still remember standing in the line to the right and being assigned to eagle.

Trust me, they are memories that you would keep for a long time. =)

Oh well, now on to the stuff for today. Sec 1s please try to read it and be familiar with 01 procedures.



  • To develop a passion for scouting
  • To foster pride and comarade in 01
Sec 1s
Enthusiastic about activities and 01 culture
Attend regularly
Forge strong bonds amongst your batch
Put in effort in badge tests

Sec 2s
Mentally prepared for leading
Foster a sense of batch spirit
Continue to work on skills and fitness

Sec 3s
Be role models
Be more willing to step out of your comfort zone
Maintain enthusiasm and passion
Further develop skills and target HQ awards

Basic Discipline
=> No fidgeting or talking
Shirt to be tucked in at all times
Punctual for all activities

Latecomer policy
Latecomers do not join their patrols but instead for a seperate patrol at the back of the Scout Unit and will meet STLs after activity.


Overnight Camp: 27-28 Feb
Introductory camp to provide exposure to scout practices

Jobweek: 14 and 15 March
Important fundraising event

Scout Unit Training Camp: 16-18 March
Physically and mentally challenging camp

75th Anniversary Campfire: 25 April
The annual campfire for our scout group

Annual Camp: 1-5 June
The fun camp in the year which is about interpatrol competition and patrol bonding.

Night Hike: 5-6 Sept
A hike in the night.


Please send me your plogs by Saturday.

Gabriel- Raffles Trail
Eugene- Skills Revision
Brandon- QM Session

Newly assigned plogs:
Gabriel- Footdrill Session (500 words)
Me- Vision Activity (1000 words)
Rui Liang (1500 words)

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