Thursday, June 3, 2010


So it wasn't the last time i was going to post on this blog. This time, it is to all those in Eagle 2009 who have helped us achieve this award. I really think it's not the effort of me alone that we can hold this award this year. First, Munglin has been always supporting and Brandon also providing the fun and stuff that we need to push through hard times. The backbone of the patrol, the secondary 2s are also always there to help, to provide whatever we need. The sec ones had been the ones who did not know anything about 01 and everything scouting at first, but in the end they are seniors and people who can impart skills to others.

So, here's the present (:

I think you guys would have known the results of AC 2010 by the time you read this but never forget Eagle 2009, we owned (:

If you guys really want the soft copy of the patrol log, please tell me, i can't really upload the files.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hi all, this will most probably be the last post of 2009. The year has ended and hopefully you guys felt that it was a good year. We have achieved commendable results, getting second at ac, etc etc. Also, I would like to congratulate the people in our patrol who are postholders next year.

SUQM: Jiale
Sec 2 test coordinator: Nigel
vice chairman of dunno what commitee: Qiehua
patrol leader kf: jin kiat
patrol leader eagle: Eugene
venture programs sec: minglun
venture vice chair: ruiliang

For those who were not at group celebs, I wish you all the best and to all postholders, good luck and have fun.

eagle patrol leader 09 ruiliang :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Night Hike

Hi guys,

These are the details for the pioneering + night hike activity on Saturday:
- 5th to 6th September
- Reporting time: 8am on the 5th (Saturday)
- Dismissal time: 8.30am on the 6th (Sunday)
- Reporting venue: Braddell Westlake (IMPT)
- Dismissal: Junior Block Atrium
- Reporting attire: PE

1) Extra PE for changing
2) Scout Uniform (including beret)
3) Bathing toiletries - Soap, Towel, etc
4) Smaller hiking bag
5) Water bottle - It must be fully filled
6) Wallet and Handphone (most likely will be collected)
7) Groundsheet

1) Snacks are allowed =)
2) Patrol First-aid kit
3) Camera for some competition
4) Slippers for the night

Yeah, just forward to your patrol members.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hi eagle. Plogs are almost done. Everyone who hasn't finished their plogs please do them.

This is the last part of plogs sections that you have to do which is the personal particulars. It's supposed to be gl so you can fill it up with gl stuff or you can go with the normal answers. It's up to you. Can you please finish it up by monday night and send it to me? Just copy the text below into .doc and fill in your answers. This will take around 5 mins but it's really impt.



Date of Birth:


Favourite song(s):
Favourite computer game:
Favourite animal:
Favourite colour:
Most stupid thing ever:

Favourite Sec 1:
Most GL Sec 1:
Favourite Sec 2:
Most GL Sec 2:
Favourite Sec 3:
Most GL Sec 3:
Favourite Sec 4:
Most GL Sec 4:
Favourite J1:
Most GL J1:
Favourite Jx:
Most GL Jx:

What does Qiehua use to keep himself cute?
How many square lashes does Nigel tie every day?
What is really behind that smiley face of Jin Kiat?
Evaluate the significance behind Gabriel’s “I love buns.”
Why does Rui Liang like suanning?
Name three artists Ming Lun likes listening to the most.
State five sounds you hear when Brandon Lum plays PSP.

Who is the most discussed about Sec 1 amongst the SU?
Why is Jia Sheng so GL?
Compare Darren Foo to an animal.
Who is the least smart person amongst the Sec 2 batch?
Why do Wen Hao, Roy and Zhang Ren like Barbie Girl?
Which famous person did Raga compare himself to?
Who was in the newspaper on AC Day 1? State full name.
Why are Edmund Ho’s editor skills so GL?
How much anime did Yi Ming have to watch before he became manly?

Continue “I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating”:
Name the person related to “Tessalynn”:
Unicameral or bicameral?
Name 3 animals in the SU:
Write an 93-word essay on the topic of H1N1, containing the words bamboozle, Edward Cullen, glycosidic bonds, Arizona and happy birthday.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

remaining plogs

do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do yay thanks for clearing

[5/1, 7/1, 9/1] Raffles Trail + Raffles Trail Prep (1250 words)
[25/4, 26/4] 01 75th Anniversary Campfire Sec 1/2s (1500 words)

Gabriel >>> 1 WEEK LATE
[9/3, 11/3] SUTC Prep Trainees (1500 words)
Picture Logs

Ming Lun
[4/3] Jobweek Briefing (500 words)
[28/1] QM Session the one with the lame joke (700 words)
[25/2] The Godfather (1000 words)

Rui Liang
[11/2] Vision Activity (1250 words)
[9/3, 11/3] SUTC Prep SS (1500 words)
[25/4, 26/4] 01 75th Anniversary Campfire Sec 3s (2500 words)
[A Lot] Annual Camp Preps (2000 words)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Plogs (again)

Ok guys the new deadline for plogs is 10 July. I know a lot of you guys haven't finished yet. Only Jia Le finished his. The rest of you I havent gotten your plogs. I know theres also the schoolwork problem, so I'll give you guys until this friday (3/7). I'll be calling you to check on your progress, and I'll be posting the Personal Particulars soon once I do it.